We're from group 9 in this course. We're currently studying at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Bachelor of Business Administration. This blog is a part of our assignment for subject EPPD1063 Computer Application.


Each member creates a creative posting to introduce about themselves


At least 4 postings in this label. Write your first week experience in UKM.


At least 4 postings in this label.

Know More About This Course

This course is to expose the basic concept of information system and the practical application of latest computer software in business and economic. It introduces information technology concepts such as hardware, software, operating system, database, network, internet and telecommunication as well as issues related to the ethics and safety of the use of technology. The main element of the course covers five basic components of Microsoft Office which is widely used in business and economic: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. This course also covers the concept of multimedia/hypermedia, basic programming language (HTML) and blog development using blogspot platform (www.blogger.com). Students also being exposed with Web 2.0 aplications and the skill to integrate all learning applications in online platform.

Group 9 Blog

Here is our group blog;

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